Lotería: A Mexican Tradition That Goes Beyond Bingo
Lotería is not just a game; it’s a cherished Mexican tradition that unites families and communities across generations and cultures. It’s a celebration of togetherness, often taking center stage during family gatherings, holiday parties, and even when the lights go out, offering a joyful way to connect and share stories. Whether you’re in the heart of Mexico or the beachside charm of Akumal, Lotería is a game that brings everyone closer.

What You’ll Need:
You can find a Lotería set at Mexicarte, local supermarkets, papelerías, souvenir shops, and even carnicerías. As for placeholders, get creative: beans, pebbles, buttons, or even snacks like marshmallows and Cheetos work perfectly! Lotería boards are typically made of paper or cardboard, making them reusable and sustainable, a timeless tradition that supports eco-friendly fun. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to practice Spanish and explore Mexican folklore.
Fun Facts About Lotería:
- A Tradition Since the 18th Century: Lotería’s history dates back to the 18th century in Mexico, where it was a popular attraction at fairs and public gatherings. People gather around tables, to play but also to be entertained by the witty verses and jokes from the game callers, known as “carcameneros.”
- Clever Verses and Rich Imagery: The caller, or “singer,” doesn’t just call out the images; they often recite traditional rhymes tied to each card, adding a humorous and cultural twist. Phrases like “Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente” (“The shrimp that sleeps gets swept away”) have been passed down through generations, making each game a lively and memorable experience.

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable: The paper or cardboard Lotería boards are designed to be durable, making them perfect for countless rounds of play. This sustainable aspect adds a modern touch to an age-old tradition, proving that the game is not just fun but mindful of the environment.
How to Play:
Lotería is best enjoyed with at least three players: one caller (the “singer”) and two or more participants. The caller draws each card and announces it, sometimes adding a clever rhyme, while players mark their boards with placeholders. Before the game begins, players agree on the objective, which could be a full board, a line, a diagonal, or other patterns. The first player to complete their board and shout “Lotería!” wins.
The rules are flexible; in some groups, a player who missed calling “Lotería” might still be allowed to win, while others follow the “you snooze, you lose” rule, known as “Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.” Teams can be formed to help younger players, ensuring the game remains fun for everyone.
Planning your next visit to Akumal? Why not include a Lotería night in your plans? Contact AkumalMX at hola@akumalmx.com to help you organize a Lotería gathering, creating an authentic and unforgettable experience during your stay.